Algorithm S (Serial Test) This algorithm calculates Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics and probabilities for sets of successive independent random pairs. The upper range (R) of the data set is specified by the user. First, 100 chi-square probabilities are calculated and stored. These probabilities are used to calculate Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics and probabilities which are printed. Inputs: C = Number of Categories (= S^2) P = Number of Pairs of Variates S = Number of Entries in Data Set U() = Uniform Random Number Generator Function Under Test S1. [Initialize.] Set k <- 0, m <- 0, F <- C - 1. S2. [Generate Data for KS test.] Execute Steps S3 to S7 100 times, then go on to S8. S3. [Calculate next chi-square statistic.] Set SoS <- 0, t <- 0, m <- 0, and set Occurs[j] <- 0, 1 <= j <= C. (We will execute step S4 P times. Steps S5 and S6 complete the calculation.) S4. [Tally Next Observation.] Set x <- U() mod S, y <- U() mod S, and v = x * S + y. Set Occurs[v] <- Occurs[v] + 1. Increase t. If t < P, repeat this step. S5. [Calculate sum of squares.] Set SoS <= SoS + Occurs[m]^2, and m <- m + 1. If m < C, repeat this step. S6. [Finish chi-square statistic.] Set XSQ <- (C/P) * SoS - P. S7. [Calculate p-value.] Execute function chdtr() to get p-value. Set k <- k + 1. Then, set ProbXSQ[k] <- chdtr(F, XSQ). If k < 100, return to step S3. S8. [Calculate K-S data.] Execute function KSCalc() to get K-S statistics and probabilities. There will be four quantities produced - Kn+, Pn+, Kn-, Pn-. S9. [Print Results.] Print Kn+, Pn+, Kn-, Pn-.